Nuyo Rickan

Sunday, January 01, 2006

subj = Happy New Year

Feliz Ano Nuevo!!

subj= Already in the stars

Frnakly, friend Aquarius, you're bored. You're confused about what you really want from life, and you may be feeling rather fatalistic, uncertain that any of your long-term goals will ever be reached. This year won’t be an easy one, but a little effort on your part to expand your horizons will trigger some changes. One of those changes just might be a heightened love life – rendering you happier and more confident. You may find that some tired old goals are no longer as important to you as they once were, and you could actually find yourself formulating new goals that will break you out of this cycle of confusion and boredom. Don’t worry about the ultimate end. Just keep striving. At some point, your luck will change - and for the better.